Discovering Recorded Futures’ latest article around rocketing fines for US Law Firms has strengthened the reality of how poor data security can invite Ransomware attacks. With the current and ever-growing cyber security climate, it has encouraged us to take a look at what UK organisations should take note of.


Wherever you are on your cyber security journey, you’ll be all too familiar with buzzwords such as data security, data breach, and Ransomware. The list goes on. Let’s not ignore the fact that they are buzzwords for a reason. They are spoken about and referenced constantly, but are people taking action? Is there enough awareness of the possible consequences of poor data security, cyber security measures and a lack of ransomware readiness?

Data security is a growing concern for individuals and businesses, as it is gold dust for cybercriminals. They will go above and beyond to get their hands on it and hold it for ransom.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Their sensitive information is everywhere; it is a valuable source of data which is processed every second of their day-to-day life, from health records, and credentials to personal and business data. They cannot live without it. The lingering fear is around how the data is handled and locked down to prevent unauthorised access, which is out of their control.

In an ideal world, individuals should be at peace that their sensitive data isn’t going to be mishandled or violated. Is this realistic? Even with the vast amount of intelligent cyber tools available, there is no silver bullet. Building trust by layering defences is what matters.

To best protect personal and business data, it relies on dedication, expertise and long-term investment.


There is light at the end of the tunnel. There are always ways to strengthen your data security measures by arming yourself with industry-leading cyber security tools and expertise. You should make it your #1 priority to safeguard consumers’ digital data. Let’s restore faith in people’s confidence around data security.

It all comes down to adopting appropriate security practices to ensure you are doing everything you can. Here are some examples:

Getting the basics right. Risk assessments should be carried out regularly instead of once in a blue moon to help identify and prioritise danger to your operations and data. They will address essential questions that keep you up at night, such as; are we protecting data to the best of our ability? Are we ready for a ransomware attack? Introduce a schedule of assessments, and just like that, you have peace of mind and evidence to hand that you are tackling the never-ending cyber battle.

Mitigate the vulnerabilities. Viruses always find cracks in your devices and software. The perfect combination of proactive behaviour and timely patches minimises the chances of significant impact.

When tackling cyber security, it can sometimes feel like you are taking on the world. We are still on the journey ourselves, along with our valued customers. We can all agree that it is a layered approach. Identifying risks is the start; the rest of the journey is about staying one step ahead of the attackers and implementing robust measures.


Cybercriminals are getting more advanced every day, and it is crucial that you keep up with the ever-changing threats.

Increased cyber-attack visibility in global news headlines is enough for anyone to step up the momentum and protect their business’s reputation. Voices are getting louder, and legislation punishments are getting more aggressive. Confidence in yourself shouts a thousand words.

Knowing that you have the appropriate practices, policies and measures to protect yourself from a Ransomware attack is rewarding. How can you get to this point? Obtaining an accurate end-end picture of where you are on your cyber resilience journey can help you conquer objectives and remediation measures. All in all, locking the cyber criminals out for good, refining your posture and boosting your confidence in Ransomware Readiness.

Start building your comprehensive information security program today to create an enhanced secure environment for your business and customers.

Save yourself the chaos, investigations and bad light in the newspapers.

