A recent article in Computer Weekly* reveals that Financial services companies are using more third-party IT products and services as well as IT outsourcing services, which has in turn boosted the number of workers in the IT sector, while the workforce in finance has declined.

The banking sector traditionally had huge in-house IT teams, but costs, regulations and the pace of technology evolution has changed that. There is a real appetite for using third parties across the finance sector.

These findings are consistent with the recent increased demand for Acora’s services from this sector, and with 3 recent new signings and many more in the pipeline, Acora is able to use its expertise in both service and infrastructure innovation to secure these new customers.

“The reason why Acora is finding success in this sector is largely down to the maturity of our service offerings, and our significant experience working within financial institutions. The regulatory and compliance requirements from financial services companies are complex, and clients need to work with a partner who understands how outsourced services need to support their specific needs. In addition, we’re seeing that procurement and legal teams want to complete a lot of supplier due diligence, and we are able to demonstrate our proven track record with clear reference-ability.”

Matt Wood, Director of Managed Services at Acora

* www.computerweekly.com/news/2240236761/IT-sector-job-increases-is-a-sign-that-financial-services-are-using-third-party-IT


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