Gated Content CIO Report 2023 As CIOs and IT and Security leaders’ roles rapidly become more diverse, evidence from our report expressed that cutting through the noise is a shared challenge for many professionals in the IT and Cyber space. Continuing to build on the priorities and shared challenges of the UK mid-market, explore our yearly report below. Read now
Gated Content Deploying The User Experience In our previous guides, we’ve set out the background to creating a step change in your people’s IT experience. This third and final guide offers a glimpse into what living and working with h Experience 360™ looks like in practice, what differences you can expect to see from day one, and where the experience journey can take you over time. Read now
CIO Report 2021 Building on the success of 2020’s inaugural survey and Covid-19 naturally shaping both our survey questions and the results, we’ve attempted to look beyond the pandemic at the longer-term changes that will affect the CIO role in the future. Read now
Gated Content The Pivotal Role of a Managed SOC 70% of medium-sized businesses reported breaches or attempted cyber-attacks within the last 12 months. In the UK, the total annual cost of cybercrimes for businesses is £21 million. You can’t hide from those numbers, so how can a best-of-breed Managed SOC play a part in reducing them? Read now
Gated Content A Guide to Right-Sized Cyber Security All too often, we see CISOs taking a ‘product-centric’ approach to cyber security. By that we mean identifying a need, then simply buying the most expensive, best-in-class solution – often precisely because it’s the latest-and-greatest. Except that’s not true. There is no one solution that suits everyone. Instead, we want to introduce and encourage a risk based, right-sizing approach to cyber security. Read now
Gated Content Successful M&A IT Integration Most research indicates that only 50% of M&A deals actually result in an increase in overall shareholder value. Having assisted organisations with this challenge over the years, we’ve put together 10 top tips to highlight some of the key areas to consider in order to make any merger or acquisition IT project a success. Read now
Gated Content Forward Thinking with Data Insights Implementing applications can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Working with trusted partners to plan, deliver and maintain business solutions is the practical way forward. Evolve your decision making by using data intelligence. Read now
Gated Content The Ultimate Guide to SLA’s & XLA’s An Experience Led Approach is one of the IT industry’s hottest topics – and one we’ve been talking about here at Acora for longer than most. In this guide, we’ve set out some of the background to the XLA, how it differs from and adds to SLA metrics and adoption dimensions of our own Experience Led Approach™, built in by design. Read now