It seems to us that the IT leaders core dilemma is that 80% of their resource and time is spent keeping the lights on, and only the remaining  20%  delivers company transformation. Today, 20% isn’t enough, and it’s often swallowed up by routine tasks, meaning digital transformation projects end-up stalling.

It’s a frustrating situation, that we often find IT leaders in. The reality is that they already know IT is all about delivering business value and supporting transformational projects. Equally, they want their team to develop and grow, and support and focus on new technologies.

Taking time out to review sourcing and support options can play a key role in solving this dilemma.

When making a sourcing decision for any component of your IT platform, ask yourself the following questions to help illuminate the way forward:

  1. Does it bring real value to the business?
  2. Does it support our digital transformation?
  3. Do I need to be great at it internally?
  4. How do I get the most flexible solution?

And if the answers point towards using an MSP, double check by thinking through the below:

  1. What is it you want to be good at in IT?
  2. Can a third party deliver to me the outcome in a clear KPI/SLA?
  3. Will it let me deliver transformation projects quicker?

We think that working with an IT support partner can solve your core dilemma by removing the routine IT tasks that take up most of your time and help you get where you need to be, quickly. We can also help you plan, implement & manage transformation projects.

For more information about our services, why not contact us. We’d love to hear from you.


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