Is your IT managed service contract coming to an end?

Is your current supplier meeting your expectations?

Do any of these red flags sound familiar?

  • SLAs not being met
  • Not getting value for money
  • Inadequate innovation
  • Inability to scale
  • Can’t support business transformation projects

Do you feel like you are paying for a service, but not getting what you need?

Are you also thinking that moving providers will be complicated and disruptive?

If you’re considering moving from your existing IT service partner, it’s reasonable to have concerns about the potential challenges involved. However, with Acora you can enjoy a stress-free migration. Why? Because over 40% of our clients have moved to us from another partner, so we’ve had the time and experience to perfect a seamless process of transition. We also know that what you need right now is to move with confidence, rather than with hope. Moving suppliers shouldn’t be a leap in the dark. So, how can we give you that confidence?

  • We can help you get to the bottom of your current challenges, and specify what your real needs are
  • We can share our management tools with you, so you can see what it’s like to be an Acora customer
  • You can come to our office and meet the people who will actually be providing you service
  • We can share our stress-free migration process with you, so you can see why we are confident

We would welcome the opportunity to talk with you. To turn those red flags green.

Let us take the stress out of switching IT partners.


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