The IT manager’s role has changed in recent years. IT is no longer confined to a supporting role, instead of becoming a strategic priority – particularly as digital transformation projects become the norm. Unsurprisingly, the IT manager’s requirements are changing too, not least because they are gaining new responsibilities on top of their existing duties but also because they’re having to become more strategic with their budget. Under this new paradigm, there is one thing that all IT leaders want to be good at.

What IT managers really, really want

For most, the problem is balancing demands for new technologies and IT projects against the overheads of running existing infrastructure and support. Despite all the new advances in technology, “legacy” activities still take a significant tranche of time, resources and cash, reducing the amount available for the new projects that will help drive the business forward. The scale of this dilemma may be even larger than you realise though. According to a Gartner estimate, eight out of ten pounds that companies spend on IT is “dead money”. On average, 80% of the IT Managers total budget is spent keeping the lights on. IT managers want (need) to free up resources to invest in strategic projects.

The illusion of choice

This leaves the IT manager with the illusion of a choice – scale back operating costs or delay strategic developments. The most cost-effective solution is to outsource responsibilities for keeping the lights on. And given that the sexy new technologies and projects tend to be the most interesting aspect of the job most managers would choose to lean on IT managed services for their legacy activities.

Getting what you really want

When applied correctly, outsourcing offers financial savings. But you and your team also stand to benefit as it frees up time and expertise to focus on the real value you can bring to the business and therefore, much more interesting development projects. You and your team get to work with the latest technologies, safe in the knowledge that your legacy activities are well looked after. By partnering with Acora for IT managed services, you can realise all these benefits and more. For example:

  1. You ensure that your knowledge and experience keep pace with wider technology advances
  2. You give yourself a chance to successfully complete major strategic projects, making you invaluable to the business.

To learn more about the various IT managed services options available from Acora, or to discuss your strategic IT objectives for 2019 and beyond, please get in touch.


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