Our Application Security Testing service enables you to quickly deploy a scalable application security program across your entire software development lifecycle (SDLC).
ISO 27001 provides a framework for strengthening and managing the security of your information and systems. Acora help highlight the measures required to achieve ISO 27001 compliance.
Giving you a complete picture of your cyber resilience journey, our unique service undertakes the preparedness levels of your discovery, protection, detection and response capabilities.
Based on a speed-of-discovery approach and 3-step triage, our Incident Response service enables us to quickly understand the intentions of any cyber-attacks and to respond accordingly.
Put practical measures in place to improve your security hygiene, remove risk factors and make your IT operations more secure. Understanding your operation helps us to understand risks now, and in the future.
Taking a whole-enterprise view of your current position, our programme enables you to determine a future direction of travel, utilising evidenced improvement towards mature cyber controls.