Managed Cyber Security Services - Uniting IT and Cyber Security

Cyber Security Services

Uncover your risk profile: Strengthen your cyber resilience with our Attack Informs Defence Approach

Embed cyber resilience and risk management throughout your business

Cyber Security is a board-level responsibility

Organisations across the UK allocate significant spend and time on cyber security measures, often focused on compliance or technical implementation. Whilst these elements form part of it, many are often unaware of their risk profile and evidence-based approach to improving cyber resiliency, which are fundamental in helping board members govern risk and protect the organisation from a cyber attack or breach.

At Acora, we understand there is genuine fear and uncertainty from a board perspective and that most security leaders struggle to effectively translate the risk to the board, who are ultimately responsible for ensuring that risks involved in the strategy are considered and mitigated.

Awareness is meaningless without context

An Attack Informs Defence Approach

Traditional audit and remediation cycles do not provide prioritised remediation activity tied to impact and risk or offer true business assurance. Additionally, many methods, such as penetration testing and vulnerability scans, are often missed.

Techniques can only be replicated once security has been compromised and the hackers move on to the next stage in the attack. This creates a question mark on “how do we know what we’re remediating is the greatest threat to our organisation?”.

Acora’s Attack Informs Defence Approach demonstrates the practice of simulating real-world cyber attacks on your assets, systems and networks to identify and exploit any weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It is all about knowing your enemies and replicating what the bad guys would do in your environment.

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There is no one solution that suits everyone

Right-sized, risk management approach to Cyber Security

In many cases, CISOs identify a need and then buy a solution to fill it. Often, they purchase the most expensive, best in class solution. That approach does not provide the company with what it needs. As a result, conflicts emerge. The CISO continually asks for more money, the firm’s security posture does not improve, and management becomes frustrated. 

A better alternative is spreading the money out over different solutions. No need to go for gold in all cases; a mix of bronze and silver solutions better solidifies corporate defences. Instead, they must create a cyber security risk management matrix and use it to guide their decisions.  

With this approach, organisations move away from a product approach to addressing enterprise security needs in a holistic, realistic way. Rather than go all in on one Tier 1 solution, they spread spending out among a few different types of solution, lowering risk in multiple areas rather than just one. 

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An Attack Informs Defence Approach meas the practice of simulating real-world cyber attacks on your assets, systems and networks to identify and exploit any weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Traditional audit and remediation cycles do not provide prioritised remediation activity tied to impact and risk or offer true business assurance. Additionally, many methods, such as penetration testing and vulnerability scans, are often missed.

Techniques can only be replicated once security has been compromised and the hackers move on to the next stage in the attack. This creates a question mark on “how do we know what we’re remediating is the greatest threat to our organisation?”.

An Attack Informs Defence Approach is all about knowing your enemies and replicating what the bad guys would do in your environment. Therefore, scenarios should be based on real-world examples, and outcomes should support and build on your existing Cyber Security & IT strategies to defend your organisation.

Each year, there are over 800,000+ cyber attacks.

  • The industry is failing: Organisations are buying lots of tools, implementing lots of products, and spending money on lots of tests. Still, none represent the real world or are grounded in evidence or data.
  • There is a lack of focus on what matters most: Organisations spend millions each year and are still compromised because they do not focus on the hygiene that matters. They continue to buy hundreds of expensive tools to bandage up old wounds rather than a focused list of 8-10 items that directly solve the challenges a CISO faces.
  • There is high spend and continuous breaches: Security spending trends assume that organisations are spending more; however, the number of data breaches exceeds the amount they spend. Too much trust is going into certifications, audits, and policies. These are just tick-in-the-box exercises. They aren’t goals-based or directly addressing the business challenges that really matter.

At Acora, we direct out efforts towards the real-world impact and consequences, and over the years, we have learnt a lot.

  • We have responded to over 450 incidents and 60 offensive testing engagements over 10+ years. This provides us with unique insights into where best to allocate finite resources to maximise business impact reduction.
  • We are a trusted cyber security partner, with increased priority on security, meaning we have over 100+ team members distributed across the globe
  • Overall, we have an integrated attack-led approach focused on impact-led, data-driven, and compliant outcomes. This approach increases value and delivers an evidenced reduction in the organisation’s cyber risks in the future. Our service grows into a strategic driver.

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