What's the challenge


Introducing new business activities, or adapting existing ones, almost inevitably requires changes to your IT services. Whether you’re making a minor adjustment or a major strategic realignment, we can provide the services, expertise and advice you need to make the most of your new opportunities. For examples of how we can help in different scenarios, please see the links above.

Scenario one

You’re a high-growth business that needs to adapt quickly

When your business priorities change at pace, IT services must be agile enough to support new initiatives while meeting day-to-day operational growth. Faced with both demands, it can be extremely challenging to scale IT operations quickly and effectively.

Using Acora’s managed services, you can flexibly support changes in demand, service and skillsets, at all times. This avoids the time and cost of building internal teams which cannot be used ‘on-demand’ in the same way.

Scenario two

Your growth strategy involves mergers and acquisitions

To support this strategy, you will often face the challenge of consolidating IT systems, applications, suppliers and support operations. Delivering this change while ‘keeping the lights on’ can be challenging, since resources will undoubtedly be diverted in one direction or the other.

Acora understands M&A challenges from first-hand experience in our own business and across our mid-market client base. To help ensure successful integrations, we help you meet increased service demands and provide best-practice blueprints for service delivery.

Scenario four

You need to quickly respond to regulatory changes

It’s becoming more common for regulatory changes such as the GDPR to impact on IT service delivery. Many organisations struggle to implement these changes, setting new ways of working instead, or finding workarounds as deadlines approach.

As an IT service provider, Acora are accustomed to implementing new measures and regulatory requirements into our own systems, and our customers share the benefits in a timely fashion, with no interruption to business.



Arm yourself with all the knowledge and up-to-the-minute news from our team of highly trained IT experts. They have collated all their know-how, useful insights, guides, white papers, and customer stories here in one place.

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